- Ant & Fie
- Wheels
- Charley Blue
- Lily Denning
- Dead Ceremony
- The Harveys
- Andy Vickery
- Slaves
- Roxxon
- AA P (1 of 1)
- Dale Hernando
- The Brainflowers
- poppie charlie (1 of 1)
- Steve McCormack
- Ben Jones
- Rocinia
- JF and HYMEL L (2 of 2)
- Night Without Sleep
- The Breretons
- The Varlies
- Helen Durden & Charlotte Brereton
- Max Pepe
- English Sporting Defeat
- Cyrano
- Violet Jazz 2013 L (1 of 1)
- TWATB L (1 of 2)
- Poppie (1 of 1)
- Lamps Crowd (1 of 1)
- Worry Dolls L (1 of 1)
- Slaves
- Ed Jones
- Rocket Lovers
- Mark Morris & Mike Wilton
- SuperDupa L (1 of 1)
- Isaac Holman
- Jenny Maslin
- Frances Yonge
- Lamps Hyde Park L (3 of 4)
- Origami Dinosaur
- Wayne B (1 of 1)
- Tom H Acoustic P (2 of 2)
- MikeandMatt Lamps L (1 of 1)
- Night Without Sleep
- TWATB L (2 of 2)
- The Pillows
- Any Colour You Like
- Higgs & The Bosons
- Young Apollo Promo L (1 of 1)
- Lt Leek (11 of 11)
- Tom Alexander Haacke
- Lamps WHO L (7 of 13)
- Alex Metcalfe
- The Paul Dunton Orchestra
- Henry Willard
- Mark Brereton
- SuperDupa (1 of 1)
- Dave Migden
- Paul Dunton
- Joe Ackerly
- Alex Metcalfe
- Steve Spall (1 of 1)
- LL 2015 P (1 of 2)
- Sean De Burca
- Chris Parris - Sarah Tonin
- LL Sessions L (1 of 4)
- Super Duper & the Ya Ya's
- Soundcasters L (1 of 1)
- Gus Isaacs
- LL Sessions P (11 of 11)
- LL 2015 L-Sun (2 of 3)
- Naming Of Things
- Creatures of Habit
- The Pillows
- Gaza again P (1 of 2)
- LampsGaza P (1 of 1)
- Paul Dunton (4 of 17)
- Lamps SHepherds Bush L (3 of 6)
- Dan Clews
- Paul Dunton (2 of 17)
- Audiowhores (now Black Gabanza)
- David Mumford
- Slaves
- Ashton Miranda
- Lamps SHepherds Bush L (2 of 6)
- The Orange Circus
- Jamie Loosely
- TomH P (1 of 1)
- Laurie Vincent
Local Heroes
When it comes to original music, there’s something truly special about the quality and diversity in our local music scene. I can honestly say it has enriched my life as a musician and photographer beyond words. Having played in it for over 15 years I have been privileged to listen to and enjoy some truly amazing artists, many I am proud to call my friends. I’ve lost track of how many magic moments I’ve captured, let alone seen – these are just a tiny selection and represent some of my very favourites.